The value of keeping a notebook
If you want to have ideas, carry a notebook. Just having one on you makes ideas more likely because you’ve primed yourself to have them.
Most people who’ve been to art school will do this. It was the way we were taught, but also, it just works. You could use your phone, but nothing beat’s being able to scribble something down at a moments notice.
It’s such a successful strategy for having ideas that it amazes me that it’s not part of how our kids are schooled. They will need to know how to think creatively, to problem solve, to examine their own thinking, to edit and think critically. A notebook gives you a way into all of that. By giving kids their own blank notebooks, not connected to a set task, we’re communicating that their ideas (independent of any curriculum) have value.
I’m sure this already happens in a lot of middle class and well-off homes, but every child should be getting this message — a blank notebook gives them the power to change the world.